GENRE: Experimental Film (Satire)

I am currently in a musical where I am surrounded by wonderful talent, crew, but also... drama. That's where the inspiration of my experimental came from, because I am going to take the classic myth of the "understudy" or the "ensemble member" who doesn't get the role she wants, and I'm going to center it around one main girl- who decides she is going to take the "casting" into her own hands, and attempt to get the "spotlight" by messing up everyone else's life. I want this to be taken with a light heart as a comedically satire on the energy that can surround a musical. In the end, this film will show how light and dark can happen in such a short amount of time, leaving the question on whether she was successful or if she has made the worst decision of her life?  I want the music to be relating to a musical to set the vibe, and I want there to be some cliche, typical, predictable moments that can really exaggerate a simple story into a horror. Hopefully throughout this process it will be easy to get the idea across with such a clear storyline, that will still be experimental, as the genre is up for debate when talking about a silent film, with quick edits, that aren't as "clear" as the typical narrative. The final project of this will be posted on my Vimeo account, and this is going to be my very fist film that I've ever made using professional footage off of a Canon camera. 

The aesthetic that I am looking for is going to include red, gold, and white- and overall bright colors, that will contrast the dark theme of the storyline.

